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Framework for Success: Provider Workflow Optimization Hits New Heights

The story of a Midwest integrated health delivery system and Crossings Healthcare Solutions started at the Cerner Health Conference in the fall of 2015. By the next summer, the “Provider Workflow Optimization (PWO) Project” was underway with an early 2017 live date and the start of significant cost savings for the health system. Crossings Healthcare Solutions’ support, clinical and IT staff were onsite and actively engaged at the five hospitals’ conversions for the joint Crossings/Nuance Dragon® project.

For the health system, delivering a comprehensive and improved EHR experience to its physicians and providing safer care to its patients were the key drivers. It found the physician-friendly, outcomes-oriented workflow of Crossings Healthcare Solutions attractive in support of its goals to minimize technological barriers and encourage adoption among physicians.

“Patient safety was paramount and we did a thorough search for the right solution,” says Nicole Schlechter, MD, PhD, and Chief of Staff at Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital. “Crossings has been very well-received, and any initial resistance to a conversion has been replaced by enthusiasm almost universally.”

The health system implemented the Crossings Healthcare Solutions Enhanced Dynamic Documentation coupled with Nuance Dragon® in eight of the system’s nine facilities. This tool replaced its hybrid chart system that consisted of hand-written progress notes, dictated notes and PowerNotes. The efficiencies of the Crossings clinician workflows in Charting, Orders and Communication and Follow Ups were also appealing, enabling the move toward a fully electronic medical record.

It is a move that is paying off. The health system began to see cost savings almost immediately, reporting an impressive 80 percent most recently. The health system saved $4 for every $1 invested in the Crossings’ project.

These results are combined with a dramatic reduction in provider time spent in the EHR that is averaging nearly two and a half minutes less per patient per provider per day than their counterparts not using the Crossings’ Enhanced Dynamic Documentation tools.

“The Crossings Enhanced Dynamic Documentation Tools make our day-to-day activities easier and more convenient and they shorten charting time,” says Schlechter. “Now we have a single chart that’s safe, legible, easy to use and easily translated from one user to another. The information is always in the same place so it’s easy to find, and it’s accessible from everywhere — home, office, even vacation.”

For the Midwest health system, which spends upwards of $2 million annually in acute transcription costs, the successful track record of Crossings Healthcare Solutions at the hospitals operated by subsidiaries of Universal Health Services provided the proof for reduced transcription costs, consistent utilization of the workflow mPages and using Dynamic Documentation for all note types.

By leveraging the Cerner Workflow mPages, Crossings Healthcare Solutions enables providers to accomplish their EMR work within a common workflow and tool. This standardization lays a powerful foundation for delivering decision support and bringing value-added support to the end user experience.

According to Schlechter, the transition to the Crossings’ provider workflow tools was “significantly easier than expected.” She continues, “I attribute this to the quality of the product and the outstanding support we received. The training people are spectacular, and our IS director rocks!”

The health system implemented the following Crossings Healthcare Solutions components:

  • Smart Templates
  • Note Settings
  • Physician Notification
  • Procedures Imaging and Consults
  • Assessment and Plan
  • Discharge Diagnoses
  • Hospital Course
  • Quality Measures
  • Table of Contents
  • Discharge Orders
  • Auto-text Sharing
  • Document History
  • PowerForm Search

For more information, email [email protected] or call 610-994-2200.

Electronic Documentation Percentage

Health System with Crossings tools performs stronger than Cerner National Health System Leaders*

Electronic Documentation Percentage

*The National Health System Leaders are the most efficient health system from a adjusted time perspective across all health systems. This health system’s metrics are displayed on all comparison graphs and charts. Due to the selection method, it is possible for a specific health system to exceed the National Health System Leaders performance in a given category.

  • Green is National Health System Leaders
  • Blue is the Health System using Crossings Dynamic Documentation enhancements