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Order History

This widget was designed at the request of physicians who wanted the ability to see past orders, like they can do when they look through the Orders section in a paper chart.

Physicians want to see new orders placed since the last time they saw the patient, particularly if they didn’t round over the weekend. They also want to be able to identify significant clinical events and familiar ordering patterns, such as the combination of STAT orders for Lasix IV and a Chest Film for suspected fluid overload or cultures and Tylenol in response to fever spikes.

Value Proposition

This software component tells the patient’s story because it provides a review of the sequence of orders placed for a patient.

User-Friendly Widget

The Order History widget was developed using the MPage platform. Features include:

  • Viewable on the inpatient summary landing page so physicians and nurses can view orders in reverse chronological order.
  • Allows physicians to expand the search by 24-hour increments to accommodate weekend and holiday workflows.
  • Easy to hover over and order to display details.
  • Excludes non-clinically relevant order actions.


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